Released by Mosdos Kever Rachel in honor of the 3,574th Yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu- Featuring: Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine- Children's Choir: Shir V’shevach Boys Choir- Composed & Written By: Chayala Neuhaus- Music Produced By: Doni Gross- Video Produced...
Benny Friedman
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.Am Yisrael Chai Feat. Benny Friedman
In Conjunction with R’ Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V'Rachamim- Featuring: Benny Friedman- Music Produced By: Doni Gross- Video Produced By: KolRom Ever since the war broke out, the chesed of Klal Yisrael has been nonstop. We’ve all seen and heard clips...
Kulanu Nelech (Benny Friedman)
In one terse retort, Moshe Rabbeinu makes the terms of our impending geulah crystal clear. “Kulanu Nelech” – we’re going, and we’re taking EVERYONE.
Chaverim Kol Yisrael (Journeys)
We find ourselves within the stage of “Someich Geulah l’Geulah.” We have gone from the Yom Tov of Purim – the Yom Tov of giving freely to one another, exchanging gifts and distributing funds to the poor and to “kol haposhet yad nosnim lo.” Now, as we are about to announce the arrival of Chodesh Nissan – the month of Pesach, the month of “kol dichfin yeitzei v’yeichal, kol ditzrich yeitzei v’yifsach” – by doing so we are in fact proclaiming our readiness for the Geulah Shelaimah.
Welcoming the Queen (Benny Friedman)
“Mi shetarach b’Erev Shabbos yochal b’Shabbos – One who toils on Erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos” (Avodah Zara 3a). Erev Shabbos: a special time of the week. Elul: a special month of the year. Combined, they enable us to open the door to our Beloved – to welcome in the Divine. The connection is closer than you think.
B’fi Yesharim (Eitan Katz feat. Benny Friedman)
When we are able to recognize the good, to the point that we are able to verbalize our appreciation for it, then we have reached the levels of the Upright, the Righteous and the Devout. And when we are able to sing out in praise and in gratitude, then we have reached the holiest level of all – indeed, our very essence.