- In Conjunction with R’ Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim
– Featuring: Benny Friedman
– Music Produced By: Doni Gross
– Video Produced By: KolRom
Ever since the war broke out, the chesed of Klal Yisrael has been nonstop. We’ve all seen and heard clips of the unending giving. It’s extraordinary to watch, incredible to see.
Inspired by the nonstop work of Rabbi Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim!
This video is not just about catchy tunes and captivating visuals. It carries a powerful message of unity and resilience. Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim has been at the forefront of providing support for acheinu Bnei Yisrael in Israel. Their incredible show of solidarity and achdus is awe-inspiring. Whether it is their visits and support to the families of the victims, their hospital visits to wounded soldiers and citizens, providing essentials and toys to displaced families, giving tefillin, tzitzis and other religious articles to soldiers and their families, or visiting army bases and providing them with clothing and other needs tailored to their specific needs, the work they’ve been doing is nothing short of extraordinary.
This new video aims to capture the essence of this support, reflecting the strength, determination and unparalleled care of the Jewish people. It’s a testament to the unbreakable bond that holds the community together, even – and perhaps especially – in the face of adversity.
To contribute toward the efforts of Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim, visit: https://charidy.com/chessedvrachamim/bennyanddoni
Song Credits:
1. Am Yisrael Chai – עם ישראל חי (Composed by R’ Shlomo Carlebach)
2. Ivdu Es Hashem B’simcha – עבדו (Composed by R’ Moshe Shur)
3. Maaminim Bnei Maaminim – מאמינים (Composed by MBD)
4. Al Tira Yisrael – אל תירא ישראל (Composed by Avihu Medina)
5. Yisrael B’tach BaShem – ‘ישראל בטח בה (Composed by R’ Shlomo Carlebach)
6. Kol Haolam Kulo – כל העולם כולו (Composed by R’ Baruch Chait)
7. Mi Shemaamin – מי שמאמין (Composed by Adi Leon, Lyrics by Yossi Gispan)
8. Shomrim Hafked – שומרים הפקד (Composed by R’ Shlomo Carlebach)
9. Shevet Achim Va’achayot – שבט אחים ואחיות (Composed by Idan Raichel, Lyrics by Doron Medalie)
10. Hiney Ma Tov – הנה מה טוב (Composed by R’ Eliyahu Eisenbach)
11. Am Yisrael – עם ישראל (Composed by Yishai Lapidot)
12. Shema Yisrael – שמע ישראל (Composed by Tzvika Pick)
13. Hoshia Es Amecha – הושיעה את עמך (Composed by R’ Dr. Avraham J. Twerski)
14. Moshiach, Moshiach, Moshiach – משיח (Composed by Mona Rosenblum & MBD)
15. Mi Shebeirach – מי שברך לחיילי צה”ל (Composed by Dov Seltzer (Eretz Tzvi), Lyrics by R’ Shlomo Goren)