Inspired by the Parsha

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

“I am a Chabad chossid, and I come from a family of shluchim. Our Rebbe’s motto is that the geulah won’t happen until every single Yid comes along with Moshiach. In other words, no Jew gets left behind.” I turned around on the stool, I put my fingers on the keys and sang, 🎵“No Jew will be left behind….”🎵

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V’shamru (Adi Ran)

V’shamru (Adi Ran)

These are two of the most well-known pesukim in the Torah. They are recited Friday nights before Shmoneh Esrei and they are also the opening verses of the Shabbos morning Kiddush. Over the centuries, beautiful niggunim aplenty have been composed to express the grandeur of these verses. But before we introduce our chosen tune for today’s post, let’s approach its lyrics with yet even more perspective.

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Truma (Eitan Katz)

Truma (Eitan Katz)

The pasuk here is intimating the purpose of the upcoming instruction, so that we first understand that more important than the gold and silver is the dedication of our hearts to Hashem. Thereby wholeheartedly giving away their valuable possessions, the Yidden proclaimed, in essence, that they realized that the sole purpose of having these riches and resources is to serve Hashem.

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