
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Victory Entebbe (Miami)

Victory Entebbe (Miami)

In the early hours of the 6th of Tammuz, 5736 (July 4, 1976), Israeli commandos executed a daring and precise rescue mission at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Inspired by the incredible heroism and precision of the Entebbe raid, Yerachmiel Begun and his newly formed “Miami Choir Boys” released “Victory Entebbe,” the title track of their 1977 debut record.

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No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

“I am a Chabad chossid, and I come from a family of shluchim. Our Rebbe’s motto is that the geulah won’t happen until every single Yid comes along with Moshiach. In other words, no Jew gets left behind.” I turned around on the stool, I put my fingers on the keys and sang, 🎵“No Jew will be left behind….”🎵

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🕯 R’ Yisroel Yaakov (Jeffrey) Craimer – 18th of Elul

🕯 R’ Yisroel Yaakov (Jeffrey) Craimer – 18th of Elul

In shul, as we reach the pinnacle of the Yom Kippur avodah, there is a palpable feeling of elation in the air when we read this special piyut. Using magnificent expression and splendid portrayal of imagery, this esoteric sonnet portrays the Kohen Gadol’s safe emergence and successful departure from the Holy of Holies on this wondrous day.

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