V’shavu Banim Feat. Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine

October 25, 2023
  • Released by Mosdos Kever Rachel in honor of the 3,574th Yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu
    – Featuring: Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine
    – Children’s Choir: Shir V’shevach Boys Choir
    – Composed & Written By: Chayala Neuhaus
    – Music Produced By: Doni Gross
    – Video Produced By: Mint Media

Please help sustain the activities of Mosdos Kever Rachel https://www.rayze.it/keverrachel
For 24 hours a day, Mosdos Kever Rachel has a a year-round kollel at the kever and provides free food and drinks for visitors from around the world. They are davening on our behalf, pleading with our mama to intercede for us in shamayim.


Throughout history, when Klal Yisroel cries in pain, we run like a child to our mother. Mama Rachel, we yearn for your comfort and your tefillos and we beg: Please take our pain straight to the kisei hakavod! Please plead and intercede on our behalf! Cry along with us and shake the heavens for us, your aching children.

Mama, when you lost your lot in life, you didn’t ask any questions. You believed in the same Master Plan that we still cling to. But now we need you to ask. We beg you to stand before Hashem and don’t stop asking: When?
When will this galus come to an end?
Mama, please don’t stop asking when!

This song was written for Mosdos Kever Rochel, and expresses the yearning of our collective hearts. May we be zoche to the geulah sheleima b’karov!



Looking back at the trail of tears behind them.
The past they cherished disappeared from sight.
Hearts torn from the home they’d never see again,
Thrust into an exile, wanderers of the night.

But along the road she waited for her children,
For who else but a mother eases pain?
Her resting place was chosen for this reason,
To be that one lone space of comfort that remains.

So we carry our prayers to you, Mamme Rochel!
With no more words and only tears, to you Mamme Rochel!
When our world seems to end, we come back to you again,
Mamme, don’t stop asking when, Mamme Mamme Rochel.

Mamme, you did not ask why, Mamme Mamme Rochel!
Mamme, you did not ask how, Mamme Mamme Rochel!
But please don’t hold back your tears,
Let your voice be heard again,
Mamme, don’t stop asking when,
Mamme Mamme Rochel.

Kol b’ramah nishmanehi bechi samrurim, Rochel mevakah al baneha

When our lives have been shaken, it is here that we feel safe
So we turn to you, there’s nowhere else to run.
The future feels uncertain, but in this promise we have faith,
V’shavu v’shavu vanim legvulam!

Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine – Vshavu Banim | בני פרידמן וברוך לוין – ושבו בנים – Mosdos Kever Rochel


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