In order to officially inaugurate the JMN WhatsApp Community, how about we post a relatively newer number along with some comprehendible context to help us enjoy it that much more, shall we?
For that, we’ll go with the title track of Benny Friedman’s 2019 release, Kulanu Nelech. This upbeat song was co-composed by singer Udi Damari and producer Avraham Zamist, and, as you’ll soon find out, carries with it an important message for each and every one of us.
Let’s set the scene:
Pharaoh is starting to crack after his crumbling superpower civilization gets hit with yet another punishing plague. He calls for Moshe and tells him – and this is an exact quote – “Fine! Go! Just go, you hear me? Go serve your G-d, ok? But, oh, I just wanted to clarify something real quick. When you say “Let my people go,” who did you mean, exactly? I assume you mean just the Levites, correct? You, Aharon, and a few of your close friends, right? You’re just taking the big rabbis with you – the elders, the scholars, the heavy-hitters….. right, Moshe?” (Shemos 10:8)
Without missing a beat, Moshe responds without leaving any room for follow-up questions. (Again, this is an exact quote) “You want to know who’s going? Really, Pharaoh? Well, I’ll tell you. The young and the old, that’s who’s going. The sons, the daughters, the sheep and the cattle….. We’re taking everyone, Pharaoh. Everyone. That’s who’s going.” (10:9)
And so, in one terse retort, Moshe Rabbeinu makes the terms of our imminent geulah crystal clear. It doesn’t matter where you come from, who you are, or where you think you’re going – we are all the beloved children of The One Above, and there will be no Jew left behind. In the end, when He takes us home, He takes us ALL home – may it be soon.
Fun Fact:
When deciding on a title for this album, Benny was initially going to name it after the question that Pharaoh poses to Moshe. “Mi Vo’mi” – Exactly who are you taking with you, Moshe?
Ultimately, Benny decided instead to convey the brilliance of the simple clarity found within Moshe’s answer: “Kulanu Nelech” – We’re going, and we’re taking EVERYONE.