Mona Rosenblum

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Pen Pen, Ken Ken (Yumi Lowy)

Pen Pen, Ken Ken (Yumi Lowy)

Combine Mona’s well-rounded arrangements, with Yumi’s fresh and lively vocals, along with Yossi’s unquenchable aptitude in taking the words of Chazal, and bringing out both their practical and perceptible implication through his mastery of music, and you have a hit worth listening to again and again.

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Moriah / Ana S’lach Na – 1977

🕯 Moshe Rabbeinu – 7th of Adar

In the context of observance of Moshe Rabbeinu’s yahrtzeit, the message is as clear as it is fundamental to our most basic principles: one’s belief in the Supreme Creator is incomplete if it is not complemented by the full belief in His most loyal servant and greatest emissary: Moshe Rabbeinu.

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