Good afternoon, dear friends.
As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva brachos – from sadness to simcha – while constantly checking the mirror to see that our faces match the circumstance. We wipe away the grief and replace it with an uneasy smile, hoping that this time it lasts a little longer than it did before…
Every day is conducted by our ever-present reliance on Hashem and on His promise that just as we have not forgotten Him, He, too, will never forget us. Because, despite the world’s hate and burning desire to see us fall, we stand tall, firmly rooted in our faith in the One Above. Through it all, we are encouraged to strengthen our hold on our Emunah, because though the skies may look cloudy and foreboding, there are brighter days ahead, for sure.
And so, again, we will leave it to the music to express our complicated condition. For our fourth installment, I have chosen four more melodies that have found their way into my internal playlist, and it is my hope that these songs resonate in your heart as well. May we all merit to see the time of miracles, amazing wonders, like no one’s ever seen before – the time we’ve all been waiting for.
Songs of the Heart – Part 1
Songs of the Heart – Part 2
Songs of the Heart – Part 3
Wishing all of you a meaningful fast and a miraculous Shabbos Kodesh!
🎵 Habeit – Composed by Abie Rotenberg, Sung by Abie Rotenberg & Shlomo Simcha (Aish Volume 1, 1997) 🎵
הַבֵּט מִשָּׁמַיִם וּרְאֵה כִּי הָיִינוּ לַעַג וָקֶלֶס בַּגּוֹיִם
נֶחְשַׁבְנוּ כְּצֹאן לַטֶּבַח יוּבָל. לַהֲרֹג וּלְאַבֵּד וּלְמַכָּה וּלְחֶרְפָּה
וּבְכָל זֹאת שִׁמְךָ לֹא שָׁכָחְנוּ. נָא אַל תִּשְׁכָּחֵנוּ
Especially relevant today is one of the classics from Aish Volume 1; Habeit describes our undying loyalty to Hashem no matter what we have been through. וּבְכָל זֹאת שִׁמְךָ לֹא שָׁכָחְנוּ – Hashem, no matter what You throw our way, we will never forget You, we will never let go, נָא אַל תִּשְׁכָּחֵנוּ – please don’t forget us… please don’t ever let go. (Words from Tachanun of Mondays & Thursdays)

Included below is the epic rendition performed live by Shlomo Simcha & Rivie Schwebel at HASC’s A Time for Music #18 on January 9, 2005.
🎵 Little Tree – Composed and sung by Abie Rotenberg (Journeys Volume 4, 2003) 🎵
When it comes to contemplative compositions, there may be none better than the songs of Abie Rotenberg. The following is but one example of his unmatched poetic prowess, perfectly blended with an emotive, melodic score to bring its intention and interpretation to the fore.
I am but a little tree, that only seeks to live in peace, to spread my seeds upon the earth, and firm my roots within the soil… Of the land my father gave to me, and his father gave to him, made by the Father of us all.
But the woodsman, with an axe poised in his hand, said it’s my sacred duty, to clear away this land. And on this place that I call home, I will plant a field of stone.
While the sly fox, aloof, cool and remote, said: “I cannot be distracted by the bloodstains on my coat. I can feel the woodsman’s pain. Perhaps the tree should not remain.”
And the eagle, high above, so far away, Said: “It’s in my best interest to see the small tree stay. No, it need not thrive like I, but why not let it stay alive?“
Though storm and wind may come, I’ll bend but never break, and like all those before me, I’ll stay true to my faith. That soon will come a day, when all will gather ’neath my shade.

🎵 Aleh Katan Sheli – Composed by Yishai Lapidot, Sung by Avraham Fried (Single, 2002) 🎵
On a related note, here’s a message that remains pertinent, delivered this time by Avraham Fried and released as a single before singles were even a thing.
Stay strong, my little leaf, because it’s not always calm and clear outside. The winds are fierce and cold. Remember and be strong – I am with you!
אני הוא עץ מאוד זקן ושבע ימים
ראיתי כבר רוחות עזות ורעמים
אתה עלה קטן מתנועע
בטוח בעצמו, הכל יודע
קח איתך צידה לדרך, את נסיוני
אל תזלזל, אולי זה כל מה שיש לי
כי יש ימים יפים הכל פורח
ויש שעות קשות הכל בורח
תחזיק חזק עלה קטן שלי
כי לא תמיד הכל בחוץ בהיר
ורוח סער וסופה קרה
תזכור ותתחזק אני איתך!
תחזיק חזק עלה קטן שלי
ולא תמיד הכל נכון הכל מובן
חיים זה לא שיעור חשבון זה גם מבחן
עכשיו עלה קטן הכל רגוע
אך מרחוק אולי ענן מגיע
קח איתך צידה לדרך את ברכתי
חצי הכוס היא מלאה תזכור תמיד
וכשהשמש אל הים שוקעת
!אל תדאג מחר היא שוב זורחת

🎵 Miracles – Composed by Yossi Green, Lyrics written by MBD, Sung by MBD (The Double Album, 1990) 🎵
Do you stop and wonder what’s going on? / Can you remember happy days where have they gone?
Life goes by so fast nothing seems to last / People feel the squeeze is on it’s really a shame.
Can you hear the thunder? Do you feel the pain? / So many tragedies, disasters, so insane…
There seems to be no end to this terrifying trend / And everyone you talk to feels the same.
But many happy days are coming now why don’t you please listen to me?
We will be singing, dancing, laughing – Everybody, just you wait and see!
Miracles, amazing wonders like no one’s ever seen before,
Finally that magic moment we have all been waiting for!
Yes, many happy days are coming now why don’t you please listen to me?
We will be singing, dancing, laughing – Everybody, just you wait and see!
Miracles, amazing wonders like no one’s ever seen before,
Yes, finally that magic moment we have all been waiting for!
The senseless hating – who knows why? / When there is so much good to see, shouldn’t we try?
Rather than reject, just admire and respect / Must we feel like strangers if we really are one?
It’s so irritating, like a thorny rose / A generation all confused where everything goes.
Where right and wrong’s the same, even sin has lost its shame / Perhaps the final chapter’s just begun!
Yes, many happy days are coming now…
There is no denying the feeling’s low / You feel the pressure, got the blues – What do you know?
We seek a helping hand, it’s so hard to understand / How life can turn so vicious, so absurd and unfair…
We were millions dying in the camps of gas / While all the nations of the world just let it pass.
Despite the rage & tears we have suffered all these years / Never we’ll surrender to despair!
So many happy days are coming now…