
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Amech Ami (Kol Achai)

Amech Ami (Kol Achai)

Rus clung tearfully to her mother-in-law Naomi, and begged to be allowed to go back with her to Eretz Yisroel; back to a Land ravaged by famine and to a life that would surely be fraught with difficulties. “Where you will go, I will go. Where you will stay, I will stay. Your Nation is My Nation and Your G-d is my G-d as well.” What an amazing and powerful statement!

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Aish (Shwekey)

Aish (Shwekey)

By revealing the P’nimius haTorah, Rabi Shimon made us fully aware that we need only to look within ourselves to find a roaring fire, a G-dly soul, thirsty for true meaning and a burning desire for the Divine. Lag Ba’omer is a day on which we can fan those inner flames until they become an enduring source of warmth and light, able, then, to ignite and illuminate the way for others as well. And that is something to celebrate.

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Mesikus HaTorah (Yisroel Werdyger)

Mesikus HaTorah (Yisroel Werdyger)

If we could somehow comprehend the sweetness of the Torah and of the guaranteed goodness that we are promised therein, we would become obsessed with the Torah and would chase the opportunities to fulfill its words at all times. Silver and gold would have absolutely no value, and nothing would distract us from trying to acquire its wisdom because the Torah contains all the pleasures of the world. There truly is nothing else to pursue!

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