Song: Shabbos Hayom LaHashem 🎶
Artist: Shloime Gertner 🎤
Composer: Baruch Levine ✍🏻
If ever a song to get your Shabbos juices flowing, this is it.
Such a heartfelt niggun that connects the power of Shabbos with the future, when iy”H the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt, and we will forever live in a Shabbos reality.
Take a listen as Baruch Levine delves into the words of this amazing song.
Listen here:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-spirit-of-the-song/id1589642421?i=1000540670775
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/35v40DR8wtLgQ5ULqQfRnk?si=TmbyPGiKQASCTU8T4KBbnQ

Baruch Levine has taught me all the best songs