Mizmor Shir L’yom HaShabbos was composed and sung by the legendary R’ Shlomo Carlebach, z’l on his 1968 record I Heard the Wall Singing. The Hebrew words are from the first verse of kapittal 92 of Tehillim, which, as a whole, describes the time of the upcoming Redemption – the time of an Eternal Shabbos. It encourages us not to lose hope in this exile despite the success of evildoers and the darkness that seems to surround us.
Additionally, the Midrash says that this kapittal was composed and recited by Adam HaRishon at the onset of Shabbos. Adam was created on the sixth day of Creation, but Shabbos was his first FULL day of existence, on which he saw the world in all of its splendid beauty and glory. He marveled at Hashem’s handiwork, and was able to perceive that He had created a perfect world.
There is much to be said on such an epic erev Shabbos and there are so many songs to accompany each unbelievable thought. However, as the week progressed, the song that kept speaking to me was this classic tune with its universal and everlasting message. Also – fun fact – both volumes of this record were recorded at R’ Shlomo’s first concert in Yerushalayim that year, which, in the spirit of firsts, made this choice even easier for a Shabbos Bereishis edition of Jewish Musical Notes.
The whole world is waiting to sing the song of Shabbos.
The flowers and the trees, the valley and the mountains, the stars in the sky and the angels in heaven all sing the song of Shabbos.
Need I say more? Without further ado, the original track in its entirety.
Wishing you a marvelous Shabbos Bereishis!