Mishkan Shalom (Silberstein)

February 19, 2021

JMN would like to dedicate this post to members Aryeh Leib G. & Esther U. in honor of their upcoming chasuna, this Sunday – February 21st. Mazal Tov!

In this week’s parsha, Parshas Terumah, we receive the command to build, and the instructions as to how to build, the holy Mishkan. The Mishkan was more than just an edifice that was built and rebuilt as we traveled to and eventually settled in Eretz Yisroel. It was more than just a temporary placeholder used in anticipation of a more permanent sanctuary, i.e. the Beis Hamikdash.

Much like a chuppah represents the creation of an infinite bond between bride and groom, the Mishkan was where the connection between Hashem and Am Yisroel was created and preserved. However, within the command itself, Hashem gives us an eternal education – it is one of, if not THE most fundamental concepts in Avodas Hashem.

V’osu li mikdash v’shochanti b’socham

In these words, Hashem is telling us that we each have a share in the actual building of the Shechinah’s earthly abode, whether it be made of a physical structure like the Mishkan or whether it is carefully built within ourselves, our marriages and our homes. Hashem’s dwelling place is limited to neither place nor time and does not need walls to contain its innate kedushah.

There is much to be covered on the topic, but let’s keep this one short and sweet, and get right to the music. This week’s choice is a song called Mishkan Shalom from the 2017 album called Yaaleh by Tzvi Silberstein. The beautiful lyrics were written by the famed lyricist Miriam Israeli. Tzvi, together with the renowned composer Yitzy Waldner, sings this meaningful prayer for the bride & groom as they begin their lives together in their brand new Mikdash Me’at. I would like to extend this blessing to our soon-to-be newlyweds. May your home always be a place where the Shechinah is present, casting its supernal light onto every facet of your lives.

Wishing everyone a sanctified Shabbos Parshas Zachor!

זה מתחיל היום עם קול ששון
עם קול חתן וקול כלה
זה מתחיל היום עם יהי רצון
מתוך הלב תפילה עולה
והחלומות נאספים
אל תוך תקוה אחת
שיהיה הבית הזה מקדש מעט
שיהא הבית למשכן שלום
בסופו של יום שם לחזור
ועל זה הבית אלוקים ישמור
ואם בחוץ יהיה החושך
בתוך הבית יהיה אור


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