Mayim Rabim by Jared Lazarus

August 11, 2021

With Elul upon us and the goal to work on bridging our relationship with Hashem before Rosh Hashana, this song expresses everything that our connection with Hashem should be. I reached out to the composer, Jared Lazarus of Derech Achim (who also composed the well-known Piaseczna Nigun) to give his beautiful insight into this breathtaking song. מים רבים לא יכלו לכבות את האהבה ונהרות לא ישטפוה  אני לדודי ודודי לי הרעה בשושנים – Many waters cannot extinguish the love, nor can rivers flood it. I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me; He browses among the lilies.


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