Ki Nicham (Tzlil V’Zemer)

July 30, 2021

Sefer Devarim comprises Moshe’s farewell addresses to Klal Yisroel. In this week’s parsha, Parshas Eikev, we find ourselves in the midst of said discourse and are once again reminded of something so integral to who we are as Yidden. Moshe promises the nation total triumph if they perform the mitzvos and trust in the ways of Hashem. We will merit the Land and all the goodness it has to offer when we fulfill our end of the deal. In short: When we do ours, He does His.

In this week’s haftorah, Yeshaya HaNavi evokes powerful imagery consistent with this idea. The comforting words of Yeshayahu go beyond those we read last week in which the Navi depicts the relationship of Bnei Yisroel to Hashem as one of servants to master. In this week’s haftorah – the second of the Shivah D’nechemta – the depictions reflect more intense relationships: one of parent to child, of king to treasured nation and, finally, as husband to wife.

In the closing pesukim, Hashem challenges us to learn from Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imeinu – our founding couple. Avraham and Sarah, contrary to mainstream society, removed themselves from the rampant blindness around them, and found the Creator of the world. In forging an eternal bond, Hashem promised them they would become multitudes and would be bestowed the Land flowing with milk and honey.

The Navi reminds us that Avraham and Sarah began the journey of the Jewish people as a single couple. And although they had all but given up hope, they remained steadfast in the pursuit of truth and now have countless descendants to show for it. He pleads with the people to remain committed even in difficult times, and to stay confident in the fact that striving for the good and right will eventually bear fruit.

Just as Avraham and Sarah believed in Hashem’s promise to make them into a great nation – and indeed He kept that promise – so should we believe in Hashem’s promise of the coming, complete redemption.

כִּי נִחַם ה׳ צִיּוֹן נִחַם כָּל חָרְבֹתֶיהָ וַיָּשֶׂם מִדְבָּרָהּ כְּעֵדֶן וְעַרְבָתָהּ כְּגַן ה׳ שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִׂמְחָה יִמָּצֵא בָהּ תּוֹדָה וְקוֹל זִמְרָה

“Hashem will comfort Tzion and all her ruins. He will make her wilderness like Eden and her wasteland like a garden of Hashem. Joy and gladness will once again be found there, along with thanksgiving and sounds of music.”

Of the many beautiful melodies that exist to these heartening lyrics, this one just kept calling to me. Ki Nicham was written by accomplished composer Gershon Frankel and falls under the coveted category of “sung by many, known by most.” First recorded in 1988 on Volume 4 of Avrohom Rosenberg’s Tzlil V’Zemer Boys Choir, it’s one of those classics that, even if you hadn’t heard it until now, it doesn’t take long for you to start singing along once the music begins.

This week, both our parsha and haftorah remind us of this: It was Hashem’s bris with our forefathers that brought us out of Mitzrayim and to the foot of Har Sinai. It was our treaty with Hashem, “Na’aseh V’nishma,” that merited us becoming recipients of His Torah. And very soon, it will be the combination of the two that will bring us back home once and for all.
Oh, how sweet it will be….

Wishing you a very melodious Shabbos!


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