With just a few days till Shavuos, EItan Katz’s Ki Karov serves as a perfect reminder to all of us that we are so close to being great in Torah and Avodas Hashem. One should never think he’s not capable. Hashem tells us “Ki Karov Eilecha,” it’s in your heart. All we need to do is dig a little and we’ll find greatness.
Wishing everyone a beautiful Yom Tov!
Check out ALL our episodes on 24Six!
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/inside-ki-karov-by-eitan-katz/id1589642421?i=1000614041603
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0OpN9BsJSICwGEecIcLAQx?si=Ux-MkZFDRR2mQBhnA5uM8w

Thank you for such beautiful music and power message in
these lyrics.
Shalom !