Ilu Finu (Meir Sherman)

November 26, 2020

Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions! For today’s bonus song we will go with Ilu Finu sung by Meir Sherman from his 1981 album entitled A Letter To Moshiach. The tune was composed by Yossi Green, and its words are from the majestic tefillah of Nishmas Kol Chai. In this song we proclaim that even if our mouths were filled with song like the ocean, and our tongues alive with exultation like the waters’ waves, our praise for Hashem would still not suffice! A classic tune for a classic message – what could be better!

Also recommended – Check out the latest ArtScroll bestseller “Nishmas – Song of the Soul” written by the one and only Yisroel Besser, for some of the most beautiful explanations and insights you will find on this most magnificent prayer.

1 Comment

  1. Ralph Rose

    Great tune


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