🎵 Song: An Everlasting Love
✍🏼 Composer: Michael Shapiro
🎤 Singer: R’ Shlomo Katz
💿 Album: Aish Kodesh “Only You”
As Klal Yisroel continues with the theme of nechama in the haftorahs following Tisha b’Av, what greater solace could there be than to realize the love that Hashem has for us, which in turn helps us love Him even more.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-spirit-of-the-song/id1589642421
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1yjwIrShwsyzXDC0MHbR9Q?si=p8fi28p1Tb2PvduNuaNkQg