The great chazan mesmerized those fortunate to hear him, and continues to carry us in his role as shliach tzibbur, leading us through our tefilos and zemiros ad bi’as goel tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu.
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.Songs of the Heart – Part 5
Shalom u’vracha to one and all. For even the most indifferent subscriber, by now it surely has been noticed that these new posts aren’t as frequent as they once were. And even when there is a post, there’s really no variety. No Parsha, no Oldie, no Behind the Scenes...
Uva’u Haovdim (Carlebach)
A glimmer of light, a flicker of hope – Yeshayahu HaNavi gives us something to hold onto, something to look forward to, as we navigate the darkness of galus. And with this memorable tune, R’ Shlomo reminds us that no matter where we find ourselves, we will always have a reason to sing.
Kan Tzipor – 1974
When something happens to us – when we “chance upon” a scenario in life – we have to realize that it was not by chance at all. On the contrary! Hashem is giving us a handpicked, finely tuned, personal opportunity to elevate ourselves towards our fullest spiritual potential. We must train ourselves to be aware of this concept at all times, even when things are made to look as if they are merely “happenstance.”
Lo Alecha – 1974
Hashem doesn’t expect us to be as great as any other person. What He does expect of us is to maximize our own potential. A person who has a deep mind or is a quick learner is expected to learn more Torah than those who don’t. A person blessed with wealth is expected to give more tzedakah than those who have less. A person who is naturally influential has the responsibility to influence others for the better. Each person is expected to use the tools and talents that he was given to serve Hashem to the best of his ability.
Ki Lo Yitosh – 1973
The words that we say each morning in Yehi Chivod is the promise Hashem gave His people – the Jewish people – to forever protect them in the face of all danger. May this song and the meaning of these words give us tremendous strength in times of need.
V’omar – 1974 (Toronto Pirchei)
At the time of the geulah, the level of revelation will be such that we will be able to identify Hashem as the Source of our salvation with absolute and perfect clarity. We will revel and rejoice in this knowledge, knowing that it was in Him that we relied upon all along, despite our many hardships.
🕯 Rochel Imeinu (1514-1552 BCE) – 11th of Cheshvan
Suddenly, amidst all the noise, a wail pierced through the heavens. Mamma Rochel, hearing her children’s cries, began weeping bitterly for her children. She was inconsolable. Her children were in pain! Yes, they had sinned. Yes, they even deserved what was coming to them. But they were her children!