It is impossible for a Jew to forget Yerushalayim. When he eats, when he prays, when he suffers, when he celebrates, when he weds, when he builds a home, and even when he dreams, he thinks of Yerushalayim. A Yid cannot forget Yerushalayim because he simply can’t live without it.
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Adon Olam (Y’DID Singers)
When we say Adon Olam, we are reminded that we are not in control but that Hashem is in charge. He takes care of our every need with perfect precision – more perfect than we can possibly imagine. Almost makes you want to sing, doesn’t it…
Yevanim (R’ Shmuel Brazil)
This song commemorates our victory, one of Kedusha over Tumah, of the sacred over that which is profane.
Me’eyn Olam Haboh (Schechter)
When Shabbos arrived, “Zaidy Schechter” would transform his humble home into an atmosphere that was undeniably Me’eyn Olam Haboh. The warmth, the kedushah, the stories, the niggunim – it was impossible not to walk away from the whole experience a more proud and elevated Jew.