Yossi Green

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

No Jew Will Be Left Behind (Avraham Fried)

“I am a Chabad chossid, and I come from a family of shluchim. Our Rebbe’s motto is that the geulah won’t happen until every single Yid comes along with Moshiach. In other words, no Jew gets left behind.” I turned around on the stool, I put my fingers on the keys and sang, 🎵“No Jew will be left behind….”🎵

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Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...

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Rotzoh (Dedi)

Rotzoh (Dedi)

Hashem, in His great love for the Jewish people, has given them 248 dos and 365 don’ts in order for them to reach the levels of greatness that they were created to achieve, and to merit the ultimate reward, ‘דביקות בה – closeness to their loving Father in heaven.

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Zeh (Yoely Greenfeld)

Zeh (Yoely Greenfeld)

In order to constantly review these lessons of faith, a Yid sings Shiras HaYam at the start of every single day – reminding ourselves that we must retain our emunah no matter what that day may bring. Because after it was all said and done, וַיַּאֲמִינוּ בַּה’ וּבְמֹשֶׁה עַבְדּוֹ – and that’s the way it was always meant to be.

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Pen Pen, Ken Ken (Yumi Lowy)

Pen Pen, Ken Ken (Yumi Lowy)

Combine Mona’s well-rounded arrangements, with Yumi’s fresh and lively vocals, along with Yossi’s unquenchable aptitude in taking the words of Chazal, and bringing out both their practical and perceptible implication through his mastery of music, and you have a hit worth listening to again and again.

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Al Eileh (Tzudik Greenwald)

Al Eileh (Tzudik Greenwald)

My friends, there was once a time when we were all kings – when we were a nation of holy princes and priests. Yes; we have all tasted the sweetness of royalty and redemption, of purity and prosperity, but… we have fallen. We have been exiled. All the wealth that we once had has since been replaced by cheap substitutes and temporary pleasures… Today we ask ourselves, what can we do to restore what we’ve lost?

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