
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
V’shamru (Adi Ran)

V’shamru (Adi Ran)

These are two of the most well-known pesukim in the Torah. They are recited Friday nights before Shmoneh Esrei and they are also the opening verses of the Shabbos morning Kiddush. Over the centuries, beautiful niggunim aplenty have been composed to express the grandeur of these verses. But before we introduce our chosen tune for today’s post, let’s approach its lyrics with yet even more perspective.

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Kechu (Rav Shmuel Brazil)

Kechu (Rav Shmuel Brazil)

The words in our selichos and our prayers for forgiveness this time of year are certainly very powerful. We may even recite them with profound feelings of remorse. However, and it might be just me, but when we return to the world outside of shul, we may forget the anguish we just felt for having behaved improperly. Therefore, the navi Hoshea (14:3) gives us the remedy, and cautions us in this week’s haftorah – קְחוּ עִמָּכֶם דְּבָרִים וְשׁוּבוּ אֶל ה׳ – That we must take these words with us – even after we have left shul – and work to transform our sincere tefillos into genuine actions of repentance.

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Im Yihyeh (MBD)

Im Yihyeh (MBD)

Moshe Rabbeinu is telling us that, today – as we find ourselves standing before Hashem, about to experience the ultimate encounter with the Melech Malchei Hamlachim during the Yomim Noraim – we must know there is no Yid beyond redemption – that there is no such thing as being “hopelessly lost.” What incredible chizzuk! No matter how far one may have fallen, no matter how far one may have strayed, Hashem will be there to take him back home.

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