
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Truma (Eitan Katz)

Truma (Eitan Katz)

The pasuk here is intimating the purpose of the upcoming instruction, so that we first understand that more important than the gold and silver is the dedication of our hearts to Hashem. Thereby wholeheartedly giving away their valuable possessions, the Yidden proclaimed, in essence, that they realized that the sole purpose of having these riches and resources is to serve Hashem.

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Menorah (Avraham Fried)

Menorah (Avraham Fried)

Throughout the centuries, we have long endured the persecution of our enemies, none more so than at the hands of Amalek – the remembrance of whom Hashem commands us to obliterate in this week’s parsha. To this day, its evil influence continues to plague our people, threatening to quash our sense of Torah values, our moral code of ethics and our performance of mitzvos. Even now, the wicked remnants of Amalek incessantly seek to extinguish our pure and holy flame.

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Mishkan Shalom (Silberstein)

Mishkan Shalom (Silberstein)

Much like a chuppah represents the creation of an infinite bond between bride and groom, the Mishkan was where the connection between Hashem and Am Yisroel was created and preserved. However, within the command itself, Hashem gives us an eternal education – it is one of, if not THE most fundamental concepts in Avodas Hashem.

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