
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Welcoming the Queen (Benny Friedman)

Welcoming the Queen (Benny Friedman)

“Mi shetarach b’Erev Shabbos yochal b’Shabbos – One who toils on Erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos” (Avodah Zara 3a). Erev Shabbos: a special time of the week. Elul: a special month of the year. Combined, they enable us to open the door to our Beloved – to welcome in the Divine. The connection is closer than you think.

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Ma Nuvi (Yiddish Nachas)

Ma Nuvi (Yiddish Nachas)

“Ma navu al heharim…” Prophecies such as this one have sustained us throughout millennia more or less filled with much discouragement and suffering. Klal Yisroel’s national existence has always been brightened by the knowledge that Hashem is nearby, longing for us to let Him bring the Mashmia Shalom, the Mevaser Tov, the Mashmia Yeshuah.

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