Shlomo Simcha

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...

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Piha Pascha (Shlomo Simcha)

Piha Pascha (Shlomo Simcha)

Chazal compares Tu b’Av to Yom Kippur! Tu b’Av is a day of renewal of ties among the nation, just as Yom Kippur is a day of renewal of our ties to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. The common denominators between Tu b’Av and Yom Kippur are love, acceptance and forgiveness.

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