There’s no need to adjust your screens or visit your optometrist, this really is a new JMN post. Over the past couple months, I have been silently grappling with the oft sung Talmudic dictum, “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha.” Commenting on the words of the Mishnah...
Sheya Mendlowitz
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You’re Never Alone (Avraham Fried)
Through all of life’s distractions – big or small, easy or hard – and of all the ways to receive this important message, I guess it’s somewhat ironic that it’s through music that I am reminded I am never alone.
V’neekaisie – 1971
The two pesukim at the very end of Sefer Yoel (4:20,21) deal with the restoration of Bnei Yisroel in their land, which involves Hashem punishing the Gentiles for shedding the blood of His people. All other sins can be overlooked and forgiven, but spilling the blood of His children? For that, Hashem says He cannot ignore – He cannot forgive. It was with these two pesukim that the late, great, multifaceted dynamo R’ Eli Teitelbaum, z’l and long-time arranger and conductor Yisroel Lamm composed our featured tune.