
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Magen Avos (Shalsheles)

Magen Avos (Shalsheles)

In a world where change has become a constant phenomenon, and opinions become obsolete almost more quickly than they come into style, Magen Avos is a perfect example of the fact that Chazal’s wisdom is timeless and eternal, relevant in all times and places, giving the Jewish people a stability that every individual, and all the other nations so desperately crave.

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Hinei Kel (Shalsheles)

Hinei Kel (Shalsheles)

At the end of every Shabbos, as we begin Havdalah and prepare ourselves for yet another week of unknown, we do so by symbolically overflowing our cups with the sweet blessing we hope and pray will fill our lives. With the words that we say each Motzei Shabbos, we confirm our belief in this Divine blessing, while at the same time acknowledging our firm trust in its Source.

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