Mordechai Ben David

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Malachei Rachamim (MBD)

Malachei Rachamim (MBD)

Malachei Rachamim is a song that encapsulates the powerful emotions of Elul and the Yomim Noraim. From the very first notes, the song sweeps the listener into a place of vulnerability, where we stand before Hashem, fully aware of our shortcomings yet filled with hope for His compassion. The music rises and falls, swelling into an emotional plea, moving from fear to hope, from uncertainty to trust in Hashem’s kindness.

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Songs of the Heart – Part 6

Songs of the Heart – Part 6

There’s no need to adjust your screens or visit your optometrist, this really is a new JMN post. Over the past couple months, I have been silently grappling with the oft sung Talmudic dictum, “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha.” Commenting on the words of the Mishnah...

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Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...

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There Will Be a Time / Eichah (MBD)

There Will Be a Time / Eichah (MBD)

This Shabbos, it is especially fitting that we keep in mind the words of Retzei: “…she’lo te’hei tzarah v’yagon va’anacha b’yom menuchaseinu…,” that there be no distress, no grief, no pain or suffering for ourselves or for any of our fellow Yidden, “v’hareinu Hashem Elokeinu b’nechamas Tzion irecha…,” that we merit to bear witness to the ultimate comfort – the nechamas Tzion – with the immediate rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash.

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Min Hameitzar (MBD & Yeedle)

Min Hameitzar (MBD & Yeedle)

This Shabbos coincides with Rosh Chodesh, and we will recite Hallel to praise and thank Hashem – for the past, present and the future – for redeeming us and sustaining us with His abundant kindness. Kapital 118, for example, speaks prophetically of the Redemption, and describes the praise and thanks that will be sung then by the ingathered exiles. It describes our trust in Hashem, and our firm belief in His salvation regardless of the situation.

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Shir Hashalom (MBD)

Shir Hashalom (MBD)

Chazal teach us: Yerushalayim was destroyed because of groundless hatred (Yoma 9b). Fortunately, we are also informed of the antidote: Shalom. And though it sometimes seems as if peace only exists in some far-off dream, this week’s parsha – in which fantastic dreams are very much a common theme – we are shown that shalom is in fact a great dream to have. And all of this, ladies and gentlemen, reminded me of a song.

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Es Achai (MBD)

Es Achai (MBD)

Does the Torah record every conversation that ever took place? Surely our Biblical ancestors spoke more than what is written in the Torah, so what is the Torah teaching us by describing this brief interaction that Yosef had while on his way to find his brothers?

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