Shalom u’vracha to one and all. For even the most indifferent subscriber, by now it surely has been noticed that these new posts aren’t as frequent as they once were. And even when there is a post, there’s really no variety. No Parsha, no Oldie, no Behind the Scenes...
Hershy Weinberger
Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.Laasos R’tzoinchu (Yingerlich)
There is something so powerful about hearing the sweet, pure voices of children earnestly calling out, expressing out loud what is sometimes left only in our hearts and minds alone. We know now that it is imperative that we join in and do the same.
Chibu (Chili Genuth)
As the word “korban” itself indicates, when we sacrifice ourselves in order to achieve closeness with the Creator, we are elevating our existence and enabling ourselves to reach the highest of levels of d’veykus b’Elokim possible.
Keil Mistater (Shmueli Ungar)
The piyut’s profound depth is aptly matched by the song’s melody and brought to another level still, by the artist tasked with singing it. I would argue, therefore, that you could not have found a better singer to convey such powerful and lofty concepts than the incredible Shmueli Ungar.