Ace Of Hartz

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Hinei Kel (Shalsheles)

Hinei Kel (Shalsheles)

At the end of every Shabbos, as we begin Havdalah and prepare ourselves for yet another week of unknown, we do so by symbolically overflowing our cups with the sweet blessing we hope and pray will fill our lives. With the words that we say each Motzei Shabbos, we confirm our belief in this Divine blessing, while at the same time acknowledging our firm trust in its Source.

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It’s Never Too Late – “Part 1” (Joey Newcomb)

It’s Never Too Late – “Part 1” (Joey Newcomb)

If you will find it in your heart to take me back, then I will see this flag and know that I am welcome to return. But if you cannot bear to see me again after all the grief I’ve put you through, and please know that I would understand if you felt this way, then simply don’t show up at all and I will remain on the train as it passes on through.
With love and respect,
Your Son

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