Abie Rotenberg

Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Songs of the Heart – Part 4

Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...

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Songs of the Heart – Part 2

Songs of the Heart – Part 2

Good afternoon, and a gutten Chodesh Kislev to each of you. Over the past month and a half, every single one of us have been tasked to navigate a vast array of feelings, emotions and tests of faith, the likes of which most of us have never experienced before. The task...

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Chaverim Kol Yisrael (Journeys)

Chaverim Kol Yisrael (Journeys)

We find ourselves within the stage of “Someich Geulah l’Geulah.” We have gone from the Yom Tov of Purim – the Yom Tov of giving freely to one another, exchanging gifts and distributing funds to the poor and to “kol haposhet yad nosnim lo.” Now, as we are about to announce the arrival of Chodesh Nissan – the month of Pesach, the month of “kol dichfin yeitzei v’yeichal, kol ditzrich yeitzei v’yifsach” – by doing so we are in fact proclaiming our readiness for the Geulah Shelaimah.

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Yerushalayim (Journeys)

Yerushalayim (Journeys)

The Jewish people have a legacy of well over three thousand years of continuous love and longing for Eretz Yisroel. This supernatural connection has remained strong, and will remain strong, until Moshiach draws every Yid from even the most forsaken corner of the earth into its borders and we see the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash – the terrestrial palace of the King of all Kings.

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Mi Lashem Eilai (D’veykus)

Mi Lashem Eilai (D’veykus)

Make no mistake – this was not just a one-time wake up call. Each one of us has the opportunity to heed the courageous cry of Moshe Rabbeinu every day of our lives. We are living in a time when any thinking person can hear a Great Shofar blasting from all sides, calling out: Mi Lashem Eilai! and it is incumbent on every one of us to come running.

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