Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Songs of the Heart – Part 6

Songs of the Heart – Part 6

There’s no need to adjust your screens or visit your optometrist, this really is a new JMN post. Over the past couple months, I have been silently grappling with the oft sung Talmudic dictum, “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha.” Commenting on the words of the Mishnah...

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Songs of the Heart – Part 5

Songs of the Heart – Part 5

Shalom u’vracha to one and all. For even the most indifferent subscriber, by now it surely has been noticed that these new posts aren’t as frequent as they once were. And even when there is a post, there’s really no variety. No Parsha, no Oldie, no Behind the Scenes...

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Chasoif (Eli Marcus)

Chasoif (Eli Marcus)

After we light the menorah, as we bask in its glow, we thank and praise Hashem for the miracle of our continued existence, and express our longing for the Ultimate Redemption. The final verse of Maoz Tzur conveys our hopeful longing for Mashiach’s arrival, when darkness will be dispelled and the light of holiness will illuminate the world forever after.

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