Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Vaani Kirvas (Yosef Schick & Baruch Levine)

Vaani Kirvas (Yosef Schick & Baruch Levine)

Dovid HaMelech teaches us that in addition to the actions we need to take, we must understand what it’s all about – what it all comes down to, and what is life’s ultimate goal. ואני קרבת אלוקים לי טוב – “But as for me, the nearness of Hashem is my good” (Tehillim 73:28). These words highlight a profound message: true goodness in life is found not in material success or worldly achievements but in drawing near to Hashem.

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Songs of the Heart – Part 2

Songs of the Heart – Part 2

Good afternoon, and a gutten Chodesh Kislev to each of you. Over the past month and a half, every single one of us have been tasked to navigate a vast array of feelings, emotions and tests of faith, the likes of which most of us have never experienced before. The task...

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Truma (Eitan Katz)

Truma (Eitan Katz)

The pasuk here is intimating the purpose of the upcoming instruction, so that we first understand that more important than the gold and silver is the dedication of our hearts to Hashem. Thereby wholeheartedly giving away their valuable possessions, the Yidden proclaimed, in essence, that they realized that the sole purpose of having these riches and resources is to serve Hashem.

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Chaverim Kol Yisrael (Journeys)

Chaverim Kol Yisrael (Journeys)

We find ourselves within the stage of “Someich Geulah l’Geulah.” We have gone from the Yom Tov of Purim – the Yom Tov of giving freely to one another, exchanging gifts and distributing funds to the poor and to “kol haposhet yad nosnim lo.” Now, as we are about to announce the arrival of Chodesh Nissan – the month of Pesach, the month of “kol dichfin yeitzei v’yeichal, kol ditzrich yeitzei v’yifsach” – by doing so we are in fact proclaiming our readiness for the Geulah Shelaimah.

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