Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
🕯 HaRav Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson zt’l, The 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe (1880-1950) – 10th of Shvat

🕯 HaRav Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson zt’l, The 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe (1880-1950) – 10th of Shvat

Music has always been at the heart of Chassidic life and practice. But perhaps even more so than even Modzitz, there may not be another chassidus whose essence revolves around music more so than it does in Chabad. Many of us know that there are hundreds of Lubavitch niggunim – many of us can even sing a healthy handful of them with relative ease. But what many do not know is that the rescue and preservation of the music of Lubavitch can be directly attributed to Rav Yosef Yitzchak, zt’l.

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Seder Ho’avodah (Ishay Ribo)

Seder Ho’avodah (Ishay Ribo)

A song of such caliber deserves a different kind of introduction, which is why I am proud to present you with an article found in this week’s The Voice of Lakewood (pg. 199) that was brought to my attention earlier this evening by my youngest brother Eli. The excellent essay was written by Yitti Berkovic and paints says it all. So without further ado… Yitti, take it away.

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🕯 Rav Aryeh Levin zt’l, The Tzaddik of Yerushalayim (1885-1969) – 9th of Nissan

🕯 Rav Aryeh Levin zt’l, The Tzaddik of Yerushalayim (1885-1969) – 9th of Nissan

His eyes glimmered like crystal and were filled with love and kindness. His smiling face was warm and radiant. His voice was pleasant and sweet. Just who was this Tzaddik, about whom so many amazing things have been said? Why exactly did everyone so greatly admire and adore him? Let’s read a few things about one of the greatest figures of Yerushalayim, a man simply called Reb Aryeh, and then maybe we’ll have a better idea.

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It’s Never Too Late – “Part 1” (Joey Newcomb)

It’s Never Too Late – “Part 1” (Joey Newcomb)

If you will find it in your heart to take me back, then I will see this flag and know that I am welcome to return. But if you cannot bear to see me again after all the grief I’ve put you through, and please know that I would understand if you felt this way, then simply don’t show up at all and I will remain on the train as it passes on through.
With love and respect,
Your Son

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