Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Aish (Shwekey)

Aish (Shwekey)

By revealing the P’nimius haTorah, Rabi Shimon made us fully aware that we need only to look within ourselves to find a roaring fire, a G-dly soul, thirsty for true meaning and a burning desire for the Divine. Lag Ba’omer is a day on which we can fan those inner flames until they become an enduring source of warmth and light, able, then, to ignite and illuminate the way for others as well. And that is something to celebrate.

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Al Eileh (Tzudik Greenwald)

Al Eileh (Tzudik Greenwald)

My friends, there was once a time when we were all kings – when we were a nation of holy princes and priests. Yes; we have all tasted the sweetness of royalty and redemption, of purity and prosperity, but… we have fallen. We have been exiled. All the wealth that we once had has since been replaced by cheap substitutes and temporary pleasures… Today we ask ourselves, what can we do to restore what we’ve lost?

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Nachamu (Moshe Mendlowitz)

Nachamu (Moshe Mendlowitz)

After people experience a loss r’l, as time passes, they eventually forget some of the pain. The hurt eases and people can eventually move on. However, just as Yaakov Avinu could not be consoled after hearing of Yosef’s demise because really Yosef was still alive, the same is true here. The fact that after nearly two thousand years we have not forgotten the Beis Hamikdash and we are still able to cry over its absence, demonstrates that the Beis Hamikdash is still alive.

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