It is through the kol Torah that the world continues to exist and it will be through the kol Torah that the world will merit the Geulah Shelaima, b’karov bi’yameinu.

Asara Bnei Adam (Aaron Razel & Ishay Ribo)
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It is through the kol Torah that the world continues to exist and it will be through the kol Torah that the world will merit the Geulah Shelaima, b’karov bi’yameinu.
Much like a chuppah represents the creation of an infinite bond between bride and groom, the Mishkan was where the connection between Hashem and Am Yisroel was created and preserved. However, within the command itself, Hashem gives us an eternal education – it is one of, if not THE most fundamental concepts in Avodas Hashem.
While we may have had different tunes that got us to this point, one thing remains universal: we all want nothing more than for our tefilos to reach Hashem’s Heavenly Throne.