Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Welcoming the Queen (Benny Friedman)

Welcoming the Queen (Benny Friedman)

“Mi shetarach b’Erev Shabbos yochal b’Shabbos – One who toils on Erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos” (Avodah Zara 3a). Erev Shabbos: a special time of the week. Elul: a special month of the year. Combined, they enable us to open the door to our Beloved – to welcome in the Divine. The connection is closer than you think.

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Lecha Dodi – (Baruch Levine)

Lecha Dodi – (Baruch Levine)

Later, when they had some quiet time to talk, Yisro said, “I was just wondering, we haven’t had more than a few moments to chat. Where are you from?”
The boy looked pained, then stared down at the floor and said softly, “Ramallah.”
Yisro’s heart skipped a beat. He was sure he’d heard the boy say “Ramallah,” a large Arab city on the West Bank. Quickly he caught himself, and then realized that he must have said Ramleh, an Israeli city. Yisro said, “Oh, I have a cousin there. Do you know Ephraim Warner? He lives on Herzl Street.”
The young man shook his head sadly. “There are no Jews in Ramallah.”

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