The great chazan mesmerized those fortunate to hear him, and continues to carry us in his role as shliach tzibbur, leading us through our tefilos and zemiros ad bi’as goel tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu.

The great chazan mesmerized those fortunate to hear him, and continues to carry us in his role as shliach tzibbur, leading us through our tefilos and zemiros ad bi’as goel tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu.
Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...
The Ribnitzer was a wonder worker known to possess ruach hakodesh. His incredible yeshuos continue to this day, as the multitudes who seek his help are drawn to his tziyon today – on his yahrtzeit – as well as around the year.
By now, there is very little that hasn’t been written about the great R’ Meir Shapiro zt’l. His Yiras Hashem and Ahavas Yisroel were legendary, his brilliance and charisma were unmatched, and his revolutionary contributions to limud haTorah cannot be overstated. But of all Rav Meir’s great accomplishments, perhaps least known today is his music.
These eternal words spoken in ancient Babylonia waited nearly 1,650 years in order to find their, now, eternal tune.