Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Songs of the Heart – Part 5

Songs of the Heart – Part 5

Shalom u’vracha to one and all. For even the most indifferent subscriber, by now it surely has been noticed that these new posts aren’t as frequent as they once were. And even when there is a post, there’s really no variety. No Parsha, no Oldie, no Behind the Scenes...

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V’neekaisie – 1971

V’neekaisie – 1971

The two pesukim at the very end of Sefer Yoel (4:20,21) deal with the restoration of Bnei Yisroel in their land, which involves Hashem punishing the Gentiles for shedding the blood of His people. All other sins can be overlooked and forgiven, but spilling the blood of His children? For that, Hashem says He cannot ignore – He cannot forgive. It was with these two pesukim that the late, great, multifaceted dynamo R’ Eli Teitelbaum, z’l and long-time arranger and conductor Yisroel Lamm composed our featured tune.

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Yedid Nefesh (MBD)

Yedid Nefesh (MBD)

When you love someone, there is nothing that you won’t do for them. Seemingly insignificant tasks are no longer tedious but are held in the utmost import and are done with zing and flourish. Think of all the things that we do for our loved ones, spouses, children, etc. What we do for others shows the love we have for them. This is the way we must act towards Hashem, because He is our Loved One – our most Beloved.

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