His music moved us, his stories inspired us, and his love for life and for those who lived it obligated all who knew him to live a life worth living – to make a difference in the world with the gifts that we were given.

His music moved us, his stories inspired us, and his love for life and for those who lived it obligated all who knew him to live a life worth living – to make a difference in the world with the gifts that we were given.
Yisro couldn’t bring himself to sing songs of thanksgiving. The news gave him the chills! However, he was able to see that this was all the Yad Hashem, and it is for this reason that it is specifically through Yisro that we are shown the importance and significant implication of saying “Baruch Hashem.”
Having been among the first wave of Baalei Teshuva who somehow managed to survive the 60’s and return to the fold, Yess somehow manages to condense the entire tragedy of American assimilation into the space of a few simple lyrics and then task each and every one of us with a mission of epic proportions:
It is written that the closest place to Hashem in heaven is the Sha’ar HaNeginah – the Gateway of Music. Every once in a while, there is a song that is sent down from above which contains the key to that exalted entrance. And every once in a while, there is a messenger sent to deliver that song – to implant that key – into the hearts and souls of mankind…
Jewish a cappella. When people ask me for my opinion on the history of this genre (and if I’m being honest, even when they don’t ask me for my opinion), I tell them where I think modern Jewish a cappella got its start.
Three brothers. Two words: Kol Achai
While composed with Havdalah in mind, it has since become one of the most well-known Purim songs of all-time. However, as we have now learned, this is much more than just a seasonal tune. Layehudim contains a lesson that applies as much to us now, as we approach the upcoming holiday, as it does every week, as we extinguish the light of the Havdalah candle.
You know that feeling when you’re out of juice, with nothing left in the tank and you’re running on fumes? When try as you might, your mind and heart just don’t seem to be on the same page – maybe not even be in the same book?