Listen. Connect. Reflect. Repeat.
Ha’malach (London)

Ha’malach (London)

Efraim and Menashe are the children of Golus, born in impure Mitzrayim, but not only display their commitment to derech avosam, but to supporting one another through thick and thin. It is then and there Yaakov perceives that his progeny would succeed in remaining loyal to his heritage in the exiles to come, and more importantly, he sees that they will remain loyal and devoted to each other, thus guaranteeing their ultimate survival.

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Layehudim (Shenker)

Layehudim (Shenker)

While composed with Havdalah in mind, it has since become one of the most well-known Purim songs of all-time. However, as we have now learned, this is much more than just a seasonal tune. Layehudim contains a lesson that applies as much to us now, as we approach the upcoming holiday, as it does every week, as we extinguish the light of the Havdalah candle.

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