With tonight being Tu B’Shvat, I thought I’d feature one of the most iconic tunes that you’ll come across this time of year. Ilan Ilan appeared on the foundational first volume of songs by Abie Rotenberg (א) and Shlomo Simcha (ש) called Aish back in 1997 and has become a veritable classic ever since.
While most, if not all of you are familiar with the tune, many have wondered where the lyrics come from. How did these beautifully poetic words actually come about?
The Gemara Taanis (5b-6a) relates that Rav Nachman and Rav Yitzchak were once eating together. As they were about to take leave of one another, Rav Nachman asked Rav Yitzchak to bless him. Rav Yitzchak answered him by way of a parable: A man was traveling in the desert. He was hungry, tired, and thirsty. Then he encountered a tree that had deliciously sweet fruit, abundant shade and a brook of water passing underneath its branches.
He ate of its fruits, sat in its shade and drank of its water. When he was going to leave, he exclaimed in gratitude: ‘Tree, O Tree, how shall I bless you? Shall I say that your fruits will be sweet? They are already sweet. That your shade be pleasant? It is already pleasant. That a stream of water should flow beneath you? One already does! Rather, this is my blessing. May it be His will that all the shoots planted from you will be like you!’
Rav Yitzchak concluded: ‘I say the same to you Rav Nachman: Shall I bless you with Torah knowledge? You already possess it. With wealth? You already have abundant wealth. With children? You already have children! Therefore, I bless you that it be His will that all your offspring be as great as you!’
These eternal words spoken in ancient Babylonia waited nearly 1,650 years in order to find their, now, eternal tune. Co-composed by Abie Rotenberg & R’ Yaakov Gifter, this song expresses the wish of every parent and child alike: that we grow to be as great as those before us, with our roots firmly planted in our rich heritage and our eyes firmly affixed on our Creator, the One Above.
Wishing you a very fruitful Tu B’Shvat!