🕯 Chazan David Werdyger (1919-2014) – 2nd of Nissan
The great chazan mesmerized those fortunate to hear him, and continues to carry us in his role as shliach tzibbur, leading us through our tefilos and zemiros ad bi’as goel tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu.
Songs of the Heart – Part 6
There’s no need to adjust your screens or visit your optometrist, this really is a new JMN post. Over the past couple months, I have been silently grappling with the oft sung Talmudic dictum, “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha.” Commenting on the words of the Mishnah...
Thank You Hashem with Joey Newcomb
Thank You Hashem Sung By: Joey Newcomb (feat. Moshe Storch)Composed by: The Blumstein Brothers It's Purim season! A very special time to recognize all the good Hashem does in our life and all the miracles we need to be grateful for. In this episode, Joey takes us...
Beri Weber’s Riboin with Yossi Muller
Tapping into the great kindness Hashem does for us on a daily basis, composer Yossi Muller gives a beautiful insight into the popular song Ribon. With Beri Weber's angelic voice and stunning performance on this song, the message takes on a completely different...
Songs of the Heart – Part 5
Shalom u’vracha to one and all. For even the most indifferent subscriber, by now it surely has been noticed that these new posts aren’t as frequent as they once were. And even when there is a post, there’s really no variety. No Parsha, no Oldie, no Behind the Scenes...
Songs of the Heart – Part 4
Good afternoon, dear friends. As is still the case, it has been hard enough trying to describe the mix of emotions that we have been experiencing, let alone trying to keep track of when is and isn’t an appropriate time to feel that way. We go from shiva call to sheva...
Shalsheles Junior’s Amcha Yisroel – One Heart with Yitzchok Rosenthal
Intertwining the theme of Chanukah with the situation in Israel, Yitzchok Rosenthal captures the mood of the moment in this newly released song, Amcha Yisroel-One Heart. May we all merit to see open miracles today as we experienced back then. Lchaim! Check out ALL our...
Chasoif (Eli Marcus)
After we light the menorah, as we bask in its glow, we thank and praise Hashem for the miracle of our continued existence, and express our longing for the Ultimate Redemption. The final verse of Maoz Tzur conveys our hopeful longing for Mashiach’s arrival, when darkness will be dispelled and the light of holiness will illuminate the world forever after.
Zusha’s Chanukah is Here with Elimelech Blumstein
We're living in dark times. With what's going on in Eretz Yisroel and the spread of anti semitism around the world, the Yom Tov of Chanukah brings a much needed light to the Jewish world. Baruch Hashem, over the last few months we have witnessed communities and...
Songs of the Heart – Part 3
Good evening, friends. I present to you part three of what has been our joint musical journey through these uncharted times. A quick thank you goes out for the kind comments and endless encouragement that I have received throughout this unprecedented period. It means...