
Souled Out 8: Time to Say Good Shabbos (Shvat)
It's Time to Say Good Shabbos, composed by Abie Rotenberg Rav Hirsch zt’l highlights how Torah life aligns harmoniously with the beautiful cycles of nature that Hashem embedded in the world. He explains that Tu BiShvat marks the completion of the underground...

Daddy Come Home with Eli Gerstner
Song: Daddy Come HomeLyrics: Eli Gerstner & Yossi ToivComposition & Inspiration by Eli Gerstner As we sit with our families around the Chanukah lights, we must always remember those who are waiting for their "Daddy" to come home.For the "Daddy's" on the...

Souled Out 7: Chasof (Teves)
How does the light of Chanukah dispel the darkness of galus? One perspective is that the insidious darkness of the “Yavan” culture lies in its masquerade as true light. It glorifies values like physical power and secular knowledge, presenting them as ultimate ideals....

Souled Out 6: Lecha Dodi (Kislev)
As winter settles in with its cold and darkness, we continue to find warmth and light in the Shabbos Queen. This Shabbos tune inspires in me the resilience and energy to keep moving forward. As Kislev concludes, we are gifted the lantern of Chanukah - a heavenly light...

Souled Out 5: Kodesh Hi Lochem (Cheshvan)
As we conclude the glorious Sholosh Regalim and enter the month known as Mar Cheshvan - the month without a holiday - let us embrace the timeless gift of the Shabbos Queen. Even amidst the darkness of galus, we are never forsaken. In this presentation, we can hear the...

🕯 Yigal Calek (1944-2024) – 19th of Tishrei
The great chazan mesmerized those fortunate to hear him, and continues to carry us in his role as shliach tzibbur, leading us through our tefilos and zemiros ad bi’as goel tzedek, bimheira v’yameinu.

Souled Out 4: Yomim Noraim Medley (Tishrei)
שערי שמים פתח - As we enter the month of Tishrei, we appeal to the Almighty for Heavenly mercy. The theme of קדיש during the High Holidays underscores the elevated significance of these awesome days. אבינו מלכנו - Our Father, Our King – how we need You now! הרחמן -...

Malachei Rachamim (MBD)
Malachei Rachamim is a song that encapsulates the powerful emotions of Elul and the Yomim Noraim. From the very first notes, the song sweeps the listener into a place of vulnerability, where we stand before Hashem, fully aware of our shortcomings yet filled with hope for His compassion. The music rises and falls, swelling into an emotional plea, moving from fear to hope, from uncertainty to trust in Hashem’s kindness.

Elul Niggun with Eitan Katz
Song: Elul NiggunComposition & Inspiration by Eitan Katz ELUL! Those four letters have have the power to transform a person as he heads towards the Yom Hadin. The Elul Nigun has been a very popular song over the last few years, not only because it's a catchy tune...

Vaani Kirvas (Yosef Schick & Baruch Levine)
Dovid HaMelech teaches us that in addition to the actions we need to take, we must understand what it’s all about – what it all comes down to, and what is life’s ultimate goal. ואני קרבת אלוקים לי טוב – “But as for me, the nearness of Hashem is my good” (Tehillim 73:28). These words highlight a profound message: true goodness in life is found not in material success or worldly achievements but in drawing near to Hashem.